Friday, June 10, 2011

Meet my friends...

I have some amazing friends, and I am so very excited to introduce you to them.  These friends are people I know personally that are my blogging buddies.  Some of them I haven't actually laid eyes on in years, yet our hearts are connect through the magic of the internet!  I am so very thankful for technology!

Here are my Blogging Buddies in no particular order:

  • Ashley at Sweetpea Lifestyle - a wonderful mix of photography, lifestyle, culinary and more!
  • Anne at Stuff & Nonsense - book reviews, author interviews & great give-aways!
  • Heidi at My 2 Sonz - creative, fun tips for moms of young children, as well as yummy recipes!
  • Jean at Gomming & Yowing - my fabulous cousin who is an expert on all things "Ashevillian"!  I want to have her writing skills when I grow up!
  • Libby at Libby Brady Photography - simply the best when it comes to portraiture of families, children and especially newborns!
  • Abby at Abby Leighanne Photography  - gifted artist, graphic designer and natural-light photographer (Abby posted some gorgeous pictures of my Princess #3 today.  Check out her gorgeous work  here!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my friends sights.  Leave them a little  love and tell them that the Woo-Hoo Gal sent you!

Do you have a blog?  I would love to read it, and be a follower.  Send me your blog address, and introduce yourself.  In a post very soon I'll introduce you to some blogs that inspire me!

Keep Shining!
The Woo-Hoo Gal

*  Check out my recipe at this link party at Paisley Passions!

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Ashley said...

Thanks, Beverly!! Woo hooo!!!

Abby Leighanne said...

aww thanks! love you!

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