Advertise with WHG!

Interested in sponsoring this site with an affordable advertisement or introducing your business to readers by sponsoring a giveaway or a product review?  

  • Please contact Beverly at woohoogal(at)gmail(dot)com.
  • Becoming a sponsor of Woo-Hoo Gal is a great way to advertise your blog or online shop. Although a new blog, WHG is receiving between 300-500 views per day from readers in the USA, and several other countries.
  • My reader demographic consists primarily of women ages 25+ who are stylish, enjoying entertaining and love their homes!

Product Reviews:

Product reviews are considered to be separate from sponsorships.

*Please contact Beverly at woohoogal(at)gmail(dot)com to request a product review.
*In order to be considered for a review, a sample must be sent directly to Woo-Hoo Gal. For information on advertising, please contact WHG directly.
*If the review is not favorable, the product supplier will be contacted, and the review will not be posted on the blog.
*Regardless of the review outcome, samples will not be returned.

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Woo-Hoo Gal!