Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gobble or Moo?

Some good blogging buddies of mine pointed out to me that lean ground beef  is actually lower in calorie in ground turkey, and they are absolutely correct!...  Unless you are using all white meat ground turkey with no skin or dark meat included, then the turkey calories are a little lower.  I should have pointed that fact out, since I called turkey a healthy alternative to ground beef.  In my post, Sophie's Turkey Burgers, we mixed half regular ground turkey with half lean ground turkey.   Actually, it depends on what nutritional value is more important to you which burger you should choose.  My main goal in avoiding red meats is to to help a family member who is trying to lower their triglyceride numbers.  If you are needing to increase iron levels, you may want to stick to beef.  
Here's a nutritional breakdown of extra- lean turkey and extra-lean beef:

It's all about reading the labels and seeing what kind of product you are buying.  Of course extra-lean of either type of these meats is the healthier option, so read your labels, do your research and make the best choice for your family!

Good stuff to know!  Thanks Gals!

Keep Shining,
Woo-Hoo Gal

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


dharvey71 said...

Good job, you did your homework......very helpful info for those of us watching iron AND triglycerides.

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